Wednesday 29 March 2017

How I would book Wrestlemania 33

That time of year is upon us, The show of shows, the ultimate thrill ride, the granddaddy of them all, Vince McMahon's wrestling wet dream. This years Wrestlemania  has the potential to be one of the best or worst Wrestlemania's of all time. this is how I would book the show of shows

DISCLAIMER  There will be a mixture of what makes logical sense and what I personally want to happent, But with the right shocks in the right places, Im pretty sure this would be a mania that no one will forget. I will be going through each confirmed match one by one, explaining potential spots, the outcomes and potential aftermaths. also I will indulge because, This is my blog and i can do what i want. Is that clear, good lets move on

The Andre the giant battle royal

Bring out all the peeps not in a match, you know. the shining stars, the big show, sami, tye because he got a pop at the rumble didn't he, Ziggler, Apollo all of them but who should win, its a toss up between Braun and.... no It's just Braun. It can come down to him and sami again. Braun will obviously eliminate the big show because thats what the big show is now, a strong guy to make braun look even stronger. I want to see james elsworth get chucked out of the ring again because that shit was awesome. I want to see him thrown out of the ring so hard he literally comes out of his clothes.
Winner: Braun Strowman  

Ladder match for the Raw Tag team championship : Enzo and Cass vs Sheamus and Cesaro vs Luke Gallows and Carl Anderson (c)

first of all Enzo Needs to give his best promo ever, this is Wrestlemania so I want to hear the best
there surely can only be one winner, Enzo and Cass that was until I heard Rumors of the hardy boys being added to the match on sunday. now i don't know what to think. Oh yeh i do, that is not going to happen with zero notice. This being a ladder match makes this feel different. magic killer through a table, an air enzo from the top of the ladder.. Enzo and cass must emerge with the win. They have being over since day one and they have yet to win a title. this is when it needs to happen. Enzo has to be the one to grab the belts. 
winners: Enzo and Cass

Cruiserweight championship match: Neville (c) vs Austin aries

The greatest man alive vs the man gravity forgot, and untill he joined this division WWE forgot.
I Saw this match coming but i didn't see it coming so soon, It is definitely an interesting situation, Everyone thought neville would hold the title for a long time, certainly expected a ladder match, But there is no way he is winning cleanly against AA. This man defeated bobby roode in TNA, so if AA defeated roode, Roode has defeated Nakamura, Nakamura has defeated joe and balor, Balor has defeated reigns and reigns is untouchable, so by that logic AA should be an easy winner, obviously that is not the case but AA must win. It is technically his main roster debut which is a guaranteed win.  AA will make neville tap and we will all wonder why ex TNA stars are getting better treatment than WCW stars did.\Also surely this will give the division that extra boost. I mean it's the greatest man alive standing atop the ladder.
winner: Austin Aries

Smackdown Woman's championship invitational

Okay now I know Everone is expecting a Naomi return and for her to be triumphant in her home state, but  we already have had to many feel good moments in the first 3 matches, if you give the fans what they want all the time then nothing will be a surprise any more. So this is the perfect match to really annoy people, because sometimes the hate is a good thing, controversial is good, that is why I think the winner of this match should be .............. EVA MARIE, well that was what i was going with untill the news that she is being released and all partcicipents seem to be confirmed from what i could tell on smackdown. so i think mickie james should win. She would equal trish's record and I believe that reason alone is good enough to put the title on her at mania
Winner : Mickie James

Intercontental Championship: Dean Ambrose (c) vs Baron Corbin

I really Like ambrose and I really Don't want him to lose at 2 wrestlemania's in a row, and since last year I can not recall Ambrose losing in a one on one match cleanly. Whatever Happens Corbin has to look strong. I am Suprised this wasn't a street fight to be honest. This might be the hardest match to call, I genuinely can not pick a winner,  I do think Corbin is a future Champion, So I would put the belt on him here, We can have Shenanigans as to prolong the feud past mania and keep Ambrose strong. We need to see an end of days through a table, That would be epic. That's as much detail on this as Im willing to go into.
Winner : Baron Corbin

John Cena and Nikki Bella vs The miz and Maryse

Okay when this match was first rumored I predicted That Cena would propose to Nikki Bella inside the ring as a joke, and now it looks like this might actually happen...........😱. I feel as if this is all my fault. Yes they are going to win that much is obvious, It's John Cena A part of me would love to see the Miz and Maryse win just for a laugh, but I am not going going to go against the flow, Lets just get it over and done with. Cena and Belle win by making Miz and Maryse both tap out at the same time. Make maryse look decent though, she could become a full time wrestler. Yo never know. the afte rthe match is done Cena pops the question, she says yes and Everyone is happy, all the women cry, JBL will cry, Ranello will say Mamma Mia, otunga will say ruin the moment by reminding us of his marriage and I will be sick into a plastic bag. can we move on from this, we shall never speak of it again.
Winners: John Cena Nikki Bella

United States championship : Chris Jericho (c) vs Kevin owens

Chris Jericho has been great this past year so lets get nostalgic, Lets have the countdown like in the old days, It will get a huge pop and This will be one hell of a match, They really need to tell a story in this match, A story of how Chris was betrayed by his best friend, That right there makes for some great emotional moments. these 2 can pull it off.  This story must come to its logical conclusion and that is a Kevin Owens Victory. We can have A glorious standing ovation for Chris before  he goes of and tours with Fozzy. Lets see KO counter a code breaker into a popup powerbomb. that would be glorious...sorry gmmick infringment, my bad. Kevin owens can be part of Triple H's new little group with samoa joe, because you know, you can trust owens 👍
Winner: Kevin Owens

Raw Womens championship: Bayley (c) vs Charlotte vs Sasha Banks vs Nia Jax

Okay They have completely ruined this division, the same match ups every week, Chralotte should be going into this as champ for Bayley to win, but they ruined that and wasted her PPV streak. so we need to do something different This division needs some desperate CPR, they need to do something unexpected, IF bayley wins, were just going to see the same thing over and over. Also once agian I had to change th finish because this is now an elimination match. so lets see Nia tap out to the figure 8 and banks statement at the same time, bayley eliminates charlotte after dana distraiction leaving sasha and bayley because they bring out the best in eachother. now thsi next bit is vital. sasha has the banks statement locked in and bayley won't give up. I'm not sure if this is no DQ but whatever it is sasha must win by hitting bayley with the belt and turning heel. this is the only way to revive the division, dana is now a babyface so we can afford to turn sasha heel, she is much better as a heel.
Winner: Sasha Banks

Other potential matches or spots

Okay before I move on to the big matches, lets go through other potential matches or promos
We will have our Hall of Fame segment
There is definitely potential for a Kurt angle and Rusev confrontation, Please make it happen oh god please make that happen.

Smackdown tag team championship and the hardys return
At the time of writing this there is no match for the smackdown tag titles. since america alpha winning the titles the division has gone stale. The vaudevillians, Breezango and the Ascension have been completely buried. slater and rhyno seems to have run it's course.. It looks like all these teams might be in the battle royal. but really there should be a title match,  Now this is where you bring in the hardy's. It's smackdowns tag division that needs some work. either have them run in after a alpha and Usos rematch or have them be mystery opponents and have them outright win the titles at mania

Rusev segment

ahhh remember RU RU well he is not in any match so he comes out he is very angry.  I don't normally like the anti-American thing, it's old but on this occasion it's a must. He slams america, says all your heroes are fake and rubbish, there is no america hero who can beat me.. then..... I can only describe the next moment with a picture

He comes the ring to a huge pop. He tells rusev not to insult america, they fight, Angle puts old RuRu in an ankle lock before celebrating in the ring. I know you want it, Its true, It's Damn True

Legends return

What would Wrestlemania be without an unexpected return. I don't think we will see hulk hogan, . I'm hoping we see Austin because,  well.. who doesn't. Im guessing this year the Rock will be delivered to the arena in the mouth of a pelican then he smashes a car into the side of the building, flipping into the ring, then producing a laser that he will use to carve ROCK on to the surface of the moon.
We will probably get some kind of backstage bits with maybe the Kliq,  and speaking of backstage segments

Backstage segments

there definitely needs to be tension backstage between, Stephanie, seth, shane and AJ. all building up to a swap and a surprise later on that would certainly top of a great mania. so what needs to happen is Vince still is the boss, so we see AJ enter Vince's office.  remember Vince still hates his son. so remember this for later on this is going to play into AJ's booking for the entire night. 

Thew new day

It's a new day yes it is, yay unicorns, ice cream, bootios and some paige chants that will be cut out on the edit .so The new day are the hosts because we need a host for some reason. so what can we do with them. so they come out and do their thing, blah blah, its wrestlemania BAAABBBYYYY, blah blah, xavier sex tape reference, blah blah... new day rocks. out comes the shining stars, out comes titus O neil and maybe Jinder, whho all bash the new day before The Rock comes out and along with The New Day, yes they are all buried so who cares about making them look weak. woooo ice cream all round. Okay It's not that exciting, but I'ts a few cheap pops and we don't want the crowd spent before the main event now do we,  Also since this whole tape thing, Im pretty sure Xavier is actually more popular than ever....  Roman you now know what you need to do to get over

Unsanctioned match: seth rollins vs triple H

I knew from the moment they said seth would miss 8 weeks that this was a work, I do't think there was any chance he would miss mania. I think he thought he tweaked something but he was fine, then they had an idea. Make it look like a legitimate injury, put the contest into doubt until mania ans poof. seth drops the crutch and like magic he is completley fine, he has duped Triple H into a dangerous match. This has to be a brutal match. chairs, tables, hammers, interference, killer Badgers...... okay maybe not that one. After a grueling match Seth pedigrees Triple H but is to beaten up to get a quick pin, that is when KO and Joe come down to the ring, they start beating on Seth, A bruised Jericho comes down but quickly gets beaten down, there looks like there is no hope for our heroes. Thats when the lights go out. Then you hear a familiar beat. Its Finn Balor. Huge giant bottle of pop. He comes to the ring as the demon. Its now 3 on 3. chris takes out KO and Finn takes out Joe. Leaving it one on one again. Seth pedigrees the Game and Emerges victorious. I would also love for mick Foley to come down to the ring as a special ref at the end and count the 1,2 3 but the latest news is he is not going to appear at Mania, But I can dream.
Winner: Seth Freakin Rollins

Aj styles vs Shane McMahon 

Now this is going to be an important match. AJ comes to the ring looking smug, He has a 1 on 1 match with Shane, we need Shane to surprise him a little with his in ring ability, but ultimately AJ must Win. I'm not sure what spot Shane will do since this is a standard singles match. the important thing is AJ wins, he can do it dirty it doesn't matter, then after the match he beats up Shane with a chair, styles clash onto the chair,  Their is method to the madness, trust me. AJ leaves looking really happy
Winner: AJ styles

The Undertaker vs Roman Reigns

The deadman vs the roman empire, OMG this can not be happening right now, Okay lets fix this/ For the first time for a very long time The Undertaker is probably the underdog, So how great would it be if he won. If reigns wins their will be riots. The match needs to be centered around how both men will not go down. It won't be a masterclass in technical wrestling but a slobber knocker, Hard hitting. Also I think we can get 1 more match out of the Undertaker just yet, there are all these reports of him being in pain. if this was true he wouldn't be in the ring at all. This is the reality era and wwe know that to throw people off they need to make things look as real as possible. We can have multiple false finishes,  l superman punches, old school, choke slam, last ride, spear outside the ring. Spear, OMG The undertaker kicked out, tombstone, OMG how did he kick out. After the 2 spears and after the 3rd tombstone it is done. it is still his yard. Roman needs to look distraught, like john cena after The Rock.  This can be held over roman's head, every time hes in the ring, this isn't your yard remember. . I think Roman needs to look vulnerable. Have people mention everytime they are in the ring with him. they need to do something desperately to get him over. Time is running out for that. I know john Cena gets booed but at least it's 50-50 and the booing has become a parody of itself but Roman, its at least 75%.  and the the other 25% aren't necessarily cheering. Roman running through the Undertaker won't help that. So lets have the Deadman come out on top. This sets up a match at survivor series where Roman gets his win, setting up roman vs brock 2.0 at mania 34. good stuff >>>>>>>> 😁

Winner: The Undertaker

Universal championship match: Goldberg (c) vs Brock lesnar

💪💪💪 Look at all that big sweaty muscle, Vince is loving this 💪💪💪 This is vince's wet dream. First of all, this can not be the main event. call me a traditionalist but the winner of the royal rumble belongs in the main event, that is the whole point, so this goes on 2nd to last. we know this can not be a long match, because our champion is 50 and can't go longer than 5 minutes. So its simple, spear, jackhammer, kickout OMG how did he kick out. suplex city, f-5. victory.
This may be an unpopular opinion but I don't like Goldberg, and I never will until I see him lose cleanly. That to me will always be a stain on his career, until he uses his his big name to put someone else over. 
winner Brock Lesnar

WWE championship: Bray Wyatt (c) vs Randy Orton vs AJ styles

So Bray and Randy enter the ring when you hear, Vince's music hit. Vince informs them that he is still the boss around here and that he is making this Match a Triple threat. out comes AJ Styles.l because when you have been the best wrestler in your company for the past year, you deserve to be in the main event. Wyatt V Orton may be a solid match it is not a Wrestlemania main event calibre. With AJ though it is. This is the curveball the show needs. I know there are rumors he is going to raw but we can hold of on that for a few months. Have a great back and forth and AJ can get the pin on either man, it does not mater who as long as AJ wins. this would be extraordinary.
Winner: AJ Styles

so there you have it, do you agree with any of it, do you disagree. Do you hate it so much that you wish monstrous things upon me. well if you do leave a comment and tell me how

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